
What do i learn from Linguistics

答案:1  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-22 11:21
  • 提问者网友:川水往事
  • 2021-02-22 02:18

  • 五星知识达人网友:人间朝暮
  • 2021-02-22 03:30

The aim to learn linguistics is to comunicate. While,the human comunicating is not only a kind of linguistics phenomenon but also a across-culture phenomenon.

linguistics pervades social life. It is the principal vehicle for the transmission of
cultural knowledge, and the primary means by which we gain access to the contents of
others' minds. linguistics is implicated in most of the phenomena that lie at the core of social psychology: attitude change, social perception, personal identity, social interaction, intergroup bias and stereotyping, attribution, and so on. Moreover, for social psychologists, linguistics typically is the medium by which subjects' responses are elicited, and in which they respond: in social psychological research, more often than
not, linguistics plays a role in both stimulus and response.Just as linguistics use pervades social life, the elements of social life constitute an intrinsic part of the way linguistics is used. Linguists regard linguistics as an abstract structure that exists independently of specific instances of usage (much as the calculus is a logico-mathematical structure that is independent of its application to concrete
problems), but any communicative exchange is situated in a social context that
constrains the linguistic forms participants use. How these participants define the social situation, their perceptions of what others know, think and believe, and the claims they make about their own and others' identities will affect the form and content of their acts of speaking.

linguistics is part of culture ,and plays a exceedingly important part in culture.Some societists harber the idea that linguistics is the basic of culture - no linguistics is no culture;what's more,linguistics is reflected by linguistics as well as reflect culture.We can say linguistics is a reaction of people's character.It contains not only the history and cutural background of one people,but also hold in store the perspective of life,lifestyle and thinking manner of the people.

Words are cultural basic module of sentences,in other word,sentence is composed of several words. In some people's opinons,learning linguistics ,such as learning English,means mastering the spelling,pronunciation and meaning of more words,phrases and sentences,moreover,knowing how to connect with them in right grammer equals mastering english linguistics.Actually not,if we just know single words' meaning without relative cultrual background knowledge ,it does little to our reality life.I desire to give some examples to you. "Green with envy" means "awful envy "; "paul was in blue mood"means"depressed or melancholy".The above two examples is relative to culture.If you lack of knowing the cultural background,you must be very confused. Anther example about "color" is "once in a blue moon ",it doesn't mean "you were depressed " or "the moon was blue in a some time",it means "occurring only once in a thousand years ""very rare opportunity".

I want to talk about the problem about Chinese people learning English.

Firstly,learning English in China mostly begins from junior middle school.In the recent six years,it's found that in the English learnig,there is existing a common character in teaching English.That's learning words and phrases firstly,then learning texts and doing exersises.There is three princeples in teaching words:pronunciation,formation and meaning.The test is just being required to learn how to read,write and use words to make simple sentences,instead of knowing the culture knowledge .Many students hold the view that learning linguistics does no help to improve their marks. So most of students can't speak a complete sentence althought there are a sea of words and phrases in their brains,this is so-called "mute english".A a result of lacking of knowing cultural differences,quite a few abuse usually happens,for example,“力大如牛”is been used "as strong as cow",and the meaning of "peasant" is different from that in foreigners.In Chinese ,"peasant" means "the individuals who engaged in agriculture manufacture,without any derogatory sense",while in American,it means"rude person,country bumpkin,country folk,in a word,bad impressional person with derogatory sense."Another example will be given as follows, "politician and statesman"are both translated to be“政治家”in Chinese without any difference,while in English,the "politican" is a bad word which is used to describe smooth-operator;while "statesman is a good word which is used to describe prestiged senior government official.

Secondly,the difference between day-to-day conversation. Such as "Where are you"or "where have you been?"is ofen used in Chinese,while these speeches will make many english people unhappy,they may think"It's none of your business!" Moreover,Chinese will say "Have you eaten?''at the time before or after dinner,while American will say "Hello"or"Hi" at the time.If you use the forward way of saying,Americans will consider that you are inviting him to your house to have dinner.

Thirdly,whatever in England or China,there are difference in social intercourse.I'll take "please" for example,in most occasions"please"is been used,while "After you"is used instead of "please" when we desire to let others enter the door or bus firstly.And when invite others to have drinking, dinner or smoking firstly always use"Help yourself (to sth.),instead of "please".

Fourthly,difference of sex between English and Chinese linguistics.In Chinese,distinguishing from the sex of birds and beasts ,male and female and victory or defeat is used.While in English,there are always single-handed titles,and little animals have special titles.For instance,cock rooster is male chicken,Hen is female chicken ,chich is little chicken;ram is male sheep,ewe is female sheep,lamb is little sheep so forth and so on.

Fifthly,difference in feeling colors during the different linguistics culture.Take"color" for example,different colors have different meanings in different linguisticss.It has one meaning in Chinese but another meaning in western countries, or even completely different.Such as green,green-eyed means envy,instead of res-eyed in Chinese.Moreover,a white lie means a lie without any wicked intentions,and in a black means gain profits when operating an enterprise,and in the red means a loss,a deficit,to be in debt,and a blue Monday means unfortunate Moneday.

Sixthly,the difference in praising and reaction in linguistics.For example,when a person think your clothes are beautiful and praise you,western people will say "thank you ",while Chinese people will say "Oh, it’s very ordinary." The divergence of cultural concept make these happen.Western people highlight personal action while Chinese people emphasize more on group.This reveals deep cultural value differences.

Generally speaking,western people don't like to talk about privacy,such as age ,marriage,family or salary.If you ask these problems,you'll be considered as impolite and will be refused
to answer these questions.

Cultural difference is the vital part of learnig a linguistics.If you have known more knowledge obout culture,you'll master the linguistics you're learning better,and communicate others in this linguistics better.