
请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 “But what if I break my arm again?” My

答案:2  悬赏:40  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-23 14:46
  • 提问者网友:欲望失宠
  • 2021-01-23 11:57
“But what if I break my arm again?” My five-year-old daughter asked. I knew how much she wanted to learn to 41 .Yet ever since she fell off her bicycle and broke her arm, she’d been 42_ .
“Oh, honey,” I said. “I don’t think you’ll break 43 arm.”
“But I could, couldn’t I?”
“Yes,” I 44 and found myself struggling for the right thing to say. At times like this, I 45 I had someone who might help me find the right words to make my girl’s problems disappear. But after a painful 46 , I’d decided to remain single.
“ I don’t want to ride,” she said and got off her bike.
“ You know, honey,” I said. “ Almost everything you do comes with 47 . You could break your arm jumping rope. You 48 break your arm at gymnastics. Do you want to stop going to gymnastics?”
“No,” she said. And with a 49 spirit, she agreed to try it again. I held on to her bike until she found the 50 to say, “Let’s go!” I spent the rest of the afternoon watching a brave little girl overcome a 51 .
As we walked home, she 52 me about a conversation I had. “Why were you and grandma arguing last night?”
My mother wanted me to marry again, 53 I told her I didn’t want to meet the Mr. Perfect she 54 for me. She said she knew Steve was the man for me.
“It’s nothing,” I told her.
She shrugged, “Grandma said she just wanted you to find someone to 55 .”
“What grandma wants is for some guy to break my 56 again!” I lost control.
She was 57 for several minutes. Then she said something 58 me to think about. “So I think love isn’t like a broken arm.”
Unable to answer, we walked in silence. Later I did what my brave girl did that afternoon. I 59 to meet Steve.
Steve was the man for me. We married soon. It turned out mother and my daughter were 60 .
【小题1】1.A.speakB.rideC.walkD.drive【小题2】.A.disappointedB.satisfiedC.shamedD.afraid【小题3】A.bothB.the otherC.otherD.another【小题4】.A.sighedB.regrettedC.admittedD.whispered【小题5】.A.wishedB.thoughtC.realizedD.decided【小题6】.A.experienceB.divorceC.memoryD.mistake【小题7】.A.luckB.surpriseC.risksD.results【小题8】 A.couldB.shouldC.wouldD.must【小题9】.A.determinedB.frightenedC.comfortedD.encouraged【小题10】.A.destinationB.senseC.strengthD.courage【小题11】.A.shynessB.fearC.difficultyD.disadvantage【小题12】.A.toldB.saidC.askedD.reminded【小题13】.A.butB.thenC.andD.so【小题14】.A.referred toB.set sideC.gave awayD.picked out【小题15】.A.trustB.loveC.helpD.accept【小题16】.A.glassesB.habitC.heartD.power【小题17】.A.nervousB.quietC.sadD.serious【小题18】.A.forB.ofC.withD.by【小题19】.A.agreedB.pretendedC.continuedD.stopped【小题20】.A.interestingB.curiousC.carefulD.right.B
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