Peters ,our navigator ,was lost again. We were running out of food,so towards evening,we landed on an unexplored planet.Lam,our pilot,brought us down gently in a valley close to a freat cliff of smooth, black rock. In the cliff there were dorrs---each two storeys high!
All twelve of us left the spaceship and approached the doors carefully. One was opened a little. We went though it and entered a huge cave. The furniture inside was similar to the type on the Earth,but huge!
"Let's get out of here,'Peters said.'This is the home of a monster.'
'It's clearly partly human,so it may be a friendly monster,'I said.'We'll wait.'
The ground began to shake.The door opened and some animals hopped in.They looked like kangaroos,giant kangaroos .Following them was a huge monster.It looked almost human except that it had a single ,huge,red eye.
The kangaroos shouted,' Good night, Gork,'and hopped away.
Then Gork saw us, He gave a roar that turned our blood to ice.'Aliens!Aliens in my cave!How did you get in here?'