
完行填空we had been working well together for just

答案:1  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-11-08 17:59
  • 提问者网友:無理詩人
  • 2021-11-07 22:43
完行填空we had been working well together for just
  • 五星知识达人网友:人類模型
  • 2021-11-07 23:29
We had been working well together for just over a year, Dad the mentor, me the understudy. I imagined learning from him for at least another decade – that was until I received a call from the police department on a chilly February morning.
Dad, age 67, had been found slumped over the steering wheel of his car, the victim of an apparent heart attack. Characteristic of my hard-working father, he was on his way to work. At age 26 I had been thrust into the daunting task of leading the family business.
Then, only a few months later, a call in the middle of the night brought the incredible news that our factory was on fire. Only a valiant effort by our local volunteer fire department kept the plant from being totally consumed.
These two events had a huge impact on me. I had always been able to rally my own strength and abilities, but now my confidence was deeply shaken.
In spite of the great example set by Wendy and her family, I wasn’t sure where to turn. God seemed so far away. Some said getting closer required “a leap of faith,” but my mind firmly instructed my feet to not leap anywhere.
What held me back? Was it pride? Was it all the things I knew were wrong in my life? Could I ever be worthy of God? Months passed without answers. Work challenges continued. I found myself discouraged and confused. But quietly, persistently, I sensed God was drawing me to himself.
Small things happened to encourage me. Someone would give me a helpful book, or I’d hear a speaker who would answer a key question. Was I getting closer to seeing daylight?
The breakthrough came when I finally realized there was but one way forward and that indeed it did require a step of faith. I concluded I wasn’t going to resolve this dilemma in the way I normally handled problems.