

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-04 04:36
  • 提问者网友:别再叽里呱啦
  • 2021-04-03 14:36
  • 五星知识达人网友:煞尾
  • 2021-04-03 16:15
In my restless dreams,   在我永无安宁的梦中,   I see that town.   我看到了那座小镇。   Silent Hill.   寂静岭   You promised me you'd take me   there again someday.   你答应过会再带我去那儿。   But you never did.   但你一直没有。   Well, I'm alone there now...   现在我孤身一人在那儿……   In our "special place"   在我们“约定的地方”……   Waiting for you...   等着你……   Waiting for you to   come to see me.   等着你来看我。   But you never do.   但你一直没有。   And so I wait, wrapped in my   cocoon of pain and loneliness.   所以我在等待,将自己卷进疼痛和寂寞的茧里。   I know I've done a terrible   thing to you. Something you'll   never forgive me for.   我知道,我对你做了些可怕的事。   一些你永远不会原谅我的事。   I wish I could change   that, but I can't.   我希望我可以将其改变,但我不能。   I feel so pathetic and ugly   laying here, waiting for you...   躺在这里,我感到多么可悲,多么丑陋,却在等着你……   Every day I stare up at the cracks   in the ceiling and all I can think   about is how unfair it all is...   每一天,我都在注视着天花板上的裂缝   我能想的,就是这多么不公平。   The doctor came today.   He told me I could go   home for a short stay.   今天医生来了   他告诉我,可以回家待上一阵子。   It's not that I'm getting better.   It's just that this may be   my last chance...   并不是我的病情好转。   那意思是这可能是我的最后的机会了……   I think you know what I mean...   我想你知道我的意思……   Even so, I'm glad to be coming   home. I've missed you terribly.   即使如此,我仍很高兴能回家。   我太想念你了。   But I'm afraid James.   I'm afraid you don't really   want me to come home.   但是,James,我很害怕。   我害怕你并非真正想让我回家。   Whenever you come see me,   I can tell how hard it is on you...   无论什么时候你来探望我,   我都知道你的负担有多重……   I don't know if you   hate me or pity me...   Or maybe I just disgust you...   我不知道,你是恨我,还是可怜我……   或者,我只是让你憎恶……   I'm sorry about that.   对此我深感抱歉。   When I first learned that   I was going to die, I just   didn't want to accept it.   当我首次得知,我即将死去时,   我只是不想接受它。   I was so angry all the time and I   struck out at everyone I loved most.   Especially you, James.   我一直都是那么生气,   我打击了每一个我最爱的人。   特别是你,James。   That's why I understand   if you do hate me.   这就是为什么我能谅解你,   即使你真的恨我。   But I want you to   know this, James.   但,James,我想让你知道。   I'll always love you.   我将永远爱你。   Even though our life together had   to end like this, I still wouldn't   trade it for the world. We had   some wonderful years together.   尽管我们的生活必须这样结束,   我仍然不会用它来换取这个世界。   我们一起度过了几年快乐的时光。   Well this letter has gone on   too long so I'll say goodbye.   这封信太长了,我要说再见了。   I told the nurse to give   this to you after I'm gone.   我让护士在我走后将这封信给你。   That means that as you read   this, I'm already dead.   这意味着,当你看到这封信时,   我已经不在人世。   I can't tell you to remember me,   but I can't bear for you to   forget me.   我不能对你说,要你记着我,   但我也不忍心,让你忘记我。   These last few years since I   became ill...I'm so sorry for   what I did to you, did to us...   在我得病的最后几年……   对你,对我们所做的事,如今我深感抱歉。   You've given me so much and   I haven't been able to return   a single thing.   你为我付出了那么多,   我却不能回报其中之一。   That's why I want you to live   for yourself now.   Do what's best for you, James.   这就是为什么,我希望你能为自己活下去。   好好对待自己,James。   James...   James……   You made me happy.   和你在一起,我非常开心。
  • 1楼网友:白昼之月
  • 2021-04-03 17:46