
dance to the death英文歌词+翻译,我要完整的,不要复制粘贴,因为我搜过了,没有完整的

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解决时间 2021-03-03 03:02
  • 提问者网友:山高云阔
  • 2021-03-02 03:24
dance to the death英文歌词+翻译,我要完整的,不要复制粘贴,因为我搜过了,没有完整的
  • 五星知识达人网友:迷人又混蛋
  • 2021-03-02 03:33
死亡能跳舞 相簿:垂死的白昼 名称:死亡能跳舞 充血的眼睛急切地打开,我触摸到了天空 你像一根羽毛一般轻盈的跳舞 (在我的梦中) 地心引力是杀手,但是下坠可以对抗它 就如同天堂已经变成地狱。 没有为千里的行程祝福, 也没有易碎的翅膀使我们加快速度, 我的世界中爱情破裂会让我变得脆弱 你仍然是我的梦和恐惧, 你点亮我的世界, 知道贪欲能如何使他对爱人杀。 在你的声音带走了夜晚的一部分时变冷, 一箭穿心 (我在你梦中) 犹豫的杀并且速度是解药, 就如同月亮是圆的并且现在我们追逐更多。 你正在旋转,而且它使你满足, 你将会发现死亡能跳舞。
  • 1楼网友:独行浪子会拥风
  • 2021-03-02 04:05
Let me tell you a story to chill the bones 我给你讲一个我亲身经历的
bout a thing that I saw 毛骨悚然的故事
One night wandering in the everglades 一天夜里我不小心迷失在沼泽地里
I'd one drink but no more 我得说我稍微喝了点酒--就那么一点
I was rambling, enjoying the bright moonlight 我正悠然自得地享受着明亮的月光
Gazing up at the stars 凝视着满天的繁星
Not aware of a presence so near to me 丝毫没有察觉到有人离我如此之近
Watching my every move 正在观察我的一举一动
Feeling scared and I fell to my knees 这一惊不要紧,把我两条腿都给吓软了
As something rushed me from the trees 树林里的什么东西向我猛冲过来
Took me to an unholy place 把我带到一个邪恶的地方
And that is where I fell from grace 那里就是我的堕落之源
Then they summoned me over to join in with them 这时他们开始召唤我
To the dance of the dead 要我一起加入死者的舞蹈
In to the circle of fire I followed them 我跟着他们走进火圈
In to the middle I was led 我被领到正中央
As if time had stopped still I was numb with fear 时间仿佛停了下来,而恐惧让我浑身麻木
But still I wanted to go 奇怪的是我居然愿意继续
And the blaze of the fire did no hurt upon me 我走上烧红的木炭
As I walked onto the coals 飞溅的火星没有对我造成任何伤害
And I felt I was in a trance 我感觉自己被催眠了
And my spirit was lifted from me 灵魂脱离了躯壳
And if only someone had the chance 可惜当时没有旁人
To witness what happened to me 不然他绝对可以证明我说的是真话
And I danced and I pranced and I sang with them 接着我跟着他们不停地唱啊跳啊
All had death in their eyes 他们的眼里全都透着死气
Lifeless figures they were undead all of them 这些不死的生物看起来毫无生气
They had ascended from hell 他们是从地狱里爬上来的东西
As I danced with the dead 看着我跳那死亡之舞
my free spirit was laughing and howling down at me 我那被释放的灵魂对着我大笑与嚎叫
Below my undead body just danced the circle of dead 在我不死的躯壳之下舞蹈的死者围成一圈
Until the time came to reunite us both 直到重聚的那一刻来临
My spirit came back down to me 我的灵魂又回到身体
I didn't know if I was alive or dead 我不知道自己是否还活着
As the others, all joined in with me 因为其他人还跟着我在跳
By luck then a skirmish started 幸运的是突然发生了一点小冲突
And took the attention away from me 把所有注意力从我身上引开了
When they took their gaze from me当 他们目光从我身上移开时
Was the moment that I fled 我拔腿便逃
I ran like hell faster than the wind 就像是整个地狱在后面追赶般我发了疯似的往前跑
But behind I did not glance 我甚至不敢回头瞥上一眼
One thing that I did not dare 我惟一有胆做的事
Was to look just straight ahead 就是直直地盯着前面看
When you know that your time has come around 当你得知自己的日子过到了头的时候
You know you'll be prepared for it 你知道你得做好准备
Say your last goodbyes to everyone 跟每个人最后说声再见
Drink and say a prayer for it 然后喝上一口,念完临终的祷词
When you're lying in your sleep, when you're lying in your bed 接着你躺下睡去,躺在床上
And you wake from your dreams to go dancing with the dead 最后你会从梦中醒来去与亡者共舞
When you're lying in your sleep, when you're lying in your bed 接着你躺下睡去,躺在床上
And you wake from your dreams to go dancing with the dead 最后你会从梦中醒来去与亡者共舞
To this day I guess I'll never know 我想我永远都无从得知
Just why they let me go 那一天他们怎会放过了我
But I'll never go dancing no more 但我绝对不会再跳舞了
Til I dance with the dead-- 直到我的死亡之舞再次降临