

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-02 07:35
  • 提问者网友:记得曾经
  • 2021-03-02 03:07
谁可以告诉我这篇文章的翻译?一篇讲述日本塔的雅思题目,貌似是2006年的题,期间还与中国塔做了比较。还说明了日本塔的防震和材质。开头句是vistors to Kyoto and Nara,Japan's ancient captials,invariably retain in their memories the evocative silhouette of a wooden pagoda.希望在这边可以得到答复,谢谢。
  • 五星知识达人网友:忘川信使
  • 2021-03-02 03:56
Passage 1 why don’t Japanese Pagodas fall?
1. Only two Japanese pagodas fell over the last 1400 years. (Records show)
2. The buildings were built 30 years ago. (NOT GIVEN)
It was only thirty years ago that the Japanese architects began to have the confidence to erect….
3. NO
4. The builders of pagodas in Japan could absorb the power produced by terrible weather conditions. YES
A. both Chinese and Japanese pagodas
B. only Chinese pagodas
C. only Japanese pagodas
5. easier interior access to top B (stairs/Chinese)
6. tiles on eaves A
(Chinese/porcelain tiles; Japanese/earthen tiles)
7. eaves up to half the width C
8. used as observation post B (Chinese/watchtower)
9. original religious purpose A
10. floors fitting loosely over each other C
12. … experimented in order to…
B. learn the dynamics of pagodas.
D. fitting the floors loosely over one another.

Passage 2 Currency
14. What kind of money was used in China in the 19th century?
Silver coins/silver bars
15. Tiger tooth money was used because
It was difficult to find.
16. Why were the dog teeth strung on a necklace?
It could gain more value.

18. Babylon clay ingots: used as a symbol of modern currency
19. dog tooth money: given to future bride (perspective)
20. Tommy…(Japan): made of luxury goods (tyrant/useless luxury)
21. Gizzy Pen: lost its value when altered
22. Japanese money tree: used in more than one country (Southeast Asia: China, Thailand…)
23. Tiger tooth bar; popular antique item
24. Japanese gold tan: heavier than any other currency
25. Whale tooth money: worn only by tribal chiefs/sailors found much/caused panic)
26. Kankas Cross: still used as a currency

Passage 3 linguistics
Which paragraph contains the following information?
27. methods that can be used in language study
28. the effects of
30. how to make informants less self-conscious
Advantages disadvantages
32. Linguists as Informants Not very objective
Non-linguists as Informants Required in 33. ___ and child speech Many factors to consider
Audio recording Easy to check again 34. Poor quality of sound
Video recording 35. Non-verbal behavior can be observed 36. Transcriptions might miss some information.
  • 1楼网友:酒醒三更
  • 2021-03-02 04:46