

答案:2  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-02-28 13:47
  • 提问者网友:且恨且铭记
  • 2021-02-27 18:59
  • 五星知识达人网友:封刀令
  • 2021-02-27 19:45
金秋十月,缕缕阳光照在人们的身上,使人感到了无比的温暖,光明不仅给人们带来了身上的温暖,更让人感觉到了心灵上的温暖。 就在这天,十月四日,一个老人奋不顾身地用双臂救下了一个准备跳楼轻生的女孩。抓住了女孩的脚踝,大大减少了女孩下落的速度,为女孩的生命提供了保障。 这个老人是多么的伟大啊!他为了救助另一个生命而几近献出了自己的生命,人们知道,一个从离他近十米的地方掉下来的物体会对生命造成何等的破坏,何况是一个饱经风霜的老人呢,这就是正能量啊!我想,即使是女孩再从楼上跳下,老人也不会改变他所作出的选择吧。因为正能量早已扎根在那老人的心中同时,他那舍己为人的品质永远不会被忘记。 救助在中国走丢的外国小女孩的中国民警也让我们感受到了正能量的存在,面对语言不通的难题,中国警察花了万千的辛苦,但仍帮助外国小孩找到了家 这也是正能量啊! 救助轻生女孩的老人、帮助外国人的中国警察,他们都是道德的楷模,永远值得我们学习。 你好,正能量!让我们每个人都拥有正能量,让我们每个人都拥有无穷的力量。加油吧,正能量,让我们一起努力,一起构建一个美好和谐的社会吧!奋斗吧,正能量,地球必定为我们欢
  • 1楼网友:动情书生
  • 2021-02-27 20:02
a year there are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and win in spring, the sun shines brightly in the blue sky. the warm winds blow gently. the snow and ice can no longer remain. the little streams again flow merrily on. the flowers show their pretty shapes by the wayside and in the gardens. the trees send out little buds and new leaves. farmers begin to till the soil and sow the seed. all nature is clothed in green colour and seems very attractive and lovely. in summer, the sun shines blazingly and the heat is unbearable. but the days are very long and we can do much work. the thunder-storm will come often in such stuffy weather. all the sights are still fine. we have a long vacation in summer. we can go to many places to enjoy this pleasant. in autumn, the days gradually become shorter, and the nights longer. the weather is colder than in summer. the mornings begin to be cold and the evenings are no longer warm. farmers are reaping rice with scythes. it is the season for harvest. the leaves of the trees fall down. most birds no longer sing, but nfigrate to warmer countries. in the midautumn the silvery moonlight becomes more delightful. in the last season of the year, the weather is extremely cold. the roofs are usually covered with frost in the early morning. snow-storms will come very often. brooks and rivers will be frozen and the ground will be frozen hard too during the coldest period. all the insects sleep under the ground without eating.