
  I dont know whats your opinion about mountains.  It was only in the eighteenth century

答案:2  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-04 20:04
  • 提问者网友:蓝莓格格巫
  • 2021-01-04 02:05
I don't know what's your opinion about mountains.
  It was only in the eighteenth century people in Europe began to that mountains were beautiful. that time, mountains were feared by the people on the plain, especially by the city people, they were wild and places one was easily or killed by terrible animals.
  Slowly, however, people comfortably in the towns began to grow them. They began to feel looking for wild excitement, as their attention turned from the man-made town to the country; and to places dangerous and wild. So high mountains began to be for a holiday.
  Then, mountain-climbing began to grow popular To some people, there is something about getting to the of a high mountain: a struggle against nature is finer than a battle other human beings. And after a difficult climb, what a reward it is to look down on everything within sight.
  36.A. when     B. which     C. that      D. and
  37.A. regret    B. seem     C. hope     D. think
  38.A. After     B. Before    C. During     D. At
39.A. lived     B. living     C. to live     D. who living
  40.A. whom     B. for whom   C. with whom   D. to whom
  41.A. danger     B. dangerous   C. dangerously   D. dangerless
  42.A. that      B. which     C. where     D. in where
  43.A. lost      B. missed     C. found     D. searched
44.A. many     B. much     C. many the    D. a lot
  45.A. that living           B. who were living
   C. that were lived          D. who living
  46.A. tiring with   B. tiring of    C. tired with    D. tired of
 47.A. interesting   B. interest in   C. interested    D. interested in
  48.A. untouched   B. touched    C. untouching   D. touching
  49.A. where was           B. which were
    C. which that was          D. which it was
50.A. excited     B. expensive    C. popular    D. terrible
  51.A. for sport            B. as a sport
    C. with a sport           D. like a sport
  52.A. pleasure            B. pleased
    C. pleasant            D. unpleasant
53.A. top       B. middle  C. bottom    D. foot
  54.A. about      B. for   C. without    D. against
  55.A. disappointed           B. satisfied
    C. satisfactory           D. disappointing36-40 CDBBD 41-45 BCAAB46-50 DDABC 51-55 BCADC
  • 五星知识达人网友:傲气稳了全场
  • 2021-01-04 02:50
(答案→)36-40 CDBBD 41-45 BCAAB46-50 DDABC 51-55 BCADC 解析: 36. 解析:这是一个强调句,使用强调句结构“It was…that…”。所以本题选C项。37.解析:整个句意是“只是在18世纪欧洲人才开始认为山脉是美丽的”。所以根据句意和单词的意思应该选择D项think(认为,考虑)。38.解析:上下两句意义进行对比。下句表达18世纪以前人们对于山脉的看法,所以选择B项。  39. 解析:living用动词的-ing形式作后置定语,相当于who lived…定语从句。  40. 解析:用“介词+关系代词”形式引导非限制性定语从句,修饰the city people,意思是“对城市人来说”。 41.解析:整个句子前后两部分构成对应。前部分两个形容词wild和dangerous 对应后面的lost和killed by terrible animals。因为“荒野”而容易迷路,因为be killed by terrible animals所以说比较危险。42.解析:用where引导定语从句修饰places, where在定语从句中作地点状语。43. 由后面的关键词:killed by terrible animals.结合上文意思此处为丢失、迷路。  44. 解析:指从18世纪开始,“许多人”的思想发生了改变。45. 解析:定语从句,who were living也可直接用living。 46.解析:be tired of“厌烦、厌倦……”,本题用了系动词grow代替系动词be,含有“逐渐增加厌倦感”的意思。47.解析:be interested in…“对……感兴趣”,可以用feel代替系动词be。48.解析:untouched country与man made town构成对比。49.解析:which引导定语从句,在定语从句中作主语,代指places,复数含义,其后谓语动词用复数。  50.解析:根据句意进行判断以及下文的暗示。  51.解析:句意指“爬山作为一种体育运动而开始逐渐受欢迎”。52.解析:pleasant形容词作后置定语,修饰something, pleased形容词说明人的感觉,不用来修饰物,pleasure是名词,unpleasant词义不对。  53. 解析:根据句意作出判断“爬到山顶”。  54. 解析:比较的前后两个方面是同等结构,a struggle against nature和a battle against other human beings并列。55. 解析:用形容词修饰reward,satisfied说明人的感觉,不修饰reward,A、D两项词义不对。
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