

答案:1  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-27 09:13
  • 提问者网友:雪舞兮
  • 2021-01-26 22:59
  • 五星知识达人网友:野味小生
  • 2021-01-26 23:12
问题一:收入 的英文怎么说? Income Certificate
或Sala丹y certifications
或Income Testimonial
谢谢~问题二:收入证明英文翻译 Statement of Employment and Income
This is to certify that Mr.XXX has been employed by XXX(公司) from 某月 某年to present and the period of his contract is ten year. At present he works as XXX(职务).
The detail of XXX's income are listed as follow(Unit: RMB/Yuan):
Monthly Salary XXX.
Annual Salary XXX
Annual Bonus XXX
Total Annual Income XXX
The personal income tax is deducted by this unit on his behalf.
This is to certify the authenticity of all listed above.
Certifier (signature):
RiYueXing Construction Design&Decoration(FuJian) Co.Ltd
(salary指公职人员、职员等拿按年、按月或按周计算的“年薪”、“月薪”或“周薪”; 工人等拿的“工资”叫做 wages, 一般按日、按时或按件计算)问题三:外国人需要提供收入证明 英语怎么说 Foreigners need to provide proof of income
外国人需要提供收入证明问题四:英文版收入证明翻译,请高手帮忙 50分Income Certificate
This is to certify that Mr. --- has been working in the ----- for 2 years from -- to present. Currently, -- works as the ge功eral director.
Mr. ----'s personal income in recent 2 years are as followings:
TOTAL (YEAR) 450000RMB问题五:美国留学 单位收入证明的英文如何写? Income Certificate
This is to certify that Mr._____ has been working in the ______ for ______ years from to present. Currently, ______ works as the director of Financial Department.
Mr. ______ 's personal income in resent three years are as followings:
YEAR SALARY (MONTH) TOTAL (YEAR)2006 ______ , 2007 ______ , 2008 ______ .
Please note that Mr. ______ tax income has been subtracted from his salary by on behalf of the local taxation bureau.
Contact person:
Address:问题六:在职收入证明需要英文翻译么 如果需要有没有英文版的模板? 需要,这是出国所需的证件之一。在职收入证明在职收入证明
* N' n& \: I) a+ h: Y* @兹证明*****从****年起开始在本单位工作,现任********单位********职务。主要负责********工作。****年至****年期间,工资及其他经济补贴总计约为平均每年******元。*****个人收入所得税由本单位代扣代缴。& ?& ]' M) R8 C* D
特此证明!+ ?% }9 ?( s7 M; c' P/ ^
6 L! |5 @# C* F1 @: G- D单位的名字1 E4 m( [. S. ~6 L- a! n&锭47; D
) L: x% V: a: |7 X2 t4 V1 R+ x6 q
5 |( x2 @3 e7 c9 C联系电话:************# ?) O6 h, J1 U* o2 s' N
日期& H8 B7 ]7 t3 c8 FCertificate of Employment and Income5 O! S; s+ X4 {$ h: L* S4 a$ fThis is to certify that ******** has been working with this unit since ****. At present he works as ************. His duty is ******************. During the period of ****~****, the sum of his income is about ***** RMB annually, including the salary and the subsidies. The personal income tax is deducted by this unit on his behalf.
, v* ]+ v0 D7 A k( f' ]. l- \% c6 v8 @( m/ i
+ i; }5 N+ l6 L: t& L. Z
*********: ******! o, `5 x9 X$ b) H1
@************************************************: K- u8 ]( ~7 L/ C
Tel: **************
这上有更详细的 www.tigtag.com/...age=14问题七:急!请帮忙翻译成英文“附件是我现在的收入证明 供你参考 如有问题请联系我” The enclosure is my current income certificate, just for your reference. If you have any questions,please contact me.