
适合演讲的英语小故事 1至2分钟 最好带翻译,不要有语法错误,好的加分!!!

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解决时间 2021-10-13 03:02
  • 提问者网友:鐵馬踏冰河
  • 2021-10-12 08:58
适合演讲的英语小故事 1至2分钟 最好带翻译,不要有语法错误,好的加分!!!
  • 五星知识达人网友:话散在刀尖上
  • 2021-10-12 09:59
这个故事因为有情节所以很好记,还有一定的互动性及启发性。满意再给分好了do you think when we are in trouble, we should just wait there and expect for help? now, i am going to tell you a story,and then you will get the answer. a waggoner was driving his team along a muddly lane with a full load behind them, when the wheels of his waggon sank so deep in the mire that no efforts of his horse could move them. as he stood there,looking helplessly on, and calling loudly at intervals upon Hercules for help,the god himself appeared,and said to him,'Put your shoulder to the wheel,man,and goad on your shoes,and then you may call on Hercules to help you. If you won't lift a finger to help yourself,you can't expect Hercules or any one else to come to your aid.'this story tells us that Heaven helps those who help themselves.你们认为,当我们遇到困难时,我们应该等待别人来帮助我们吗?现在我给大家讲一个故事,你们也许就能知道答案了。一个马车夫正赶着他装满货物的车队通过一条泥泞的的路。突然间马车的轮子深深地陷进了沟里不能动弹,他的马也没有办法帮他把轮子弄出来。他绝望的站在那里,朝着天空大喊,希望有大力士能够来帮助他。这时候,上帝出现了,对他说:用你的肩膀推轮子,然后赶着马前进,然后 或许大力士就回来帮你。如果你自己一点也不帮自己,你就不可能期望会有大力士或者其他任何人来帮你。这儿故事告诉我们 天助自助者。