
跪求:关于moral education的英语作文(500字)

答案:2  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-11-18 23:43
  • 提问者网友:世勋超人
  • 2021-11-18 13:44
跪求:关于moral education的英语作文(500字)
  • 五星知识达人网友:人间朝暮
  • 2021-11-18 14:58
如果实在没人帮你就回复下,我帮你写。不过500字好多啊。。。追问麻烦你了~~追答Who should be responsible for China's moral education? This is a question we have to answer before we study further on this topic. Most of people still believe formal education organization, such as child care, elementary school, high school or even university should take this responsibility. I will not deny that those education organizations should take some responsibilities, but not take all of them, or, should say they should only take a small part of them.

From my point of view, the society, especially the parents, should take the main responsibility of the moral education. in western countries, you never see teachers at school teach students to say "thank you" or 'you are welcome". The teachers do not need to do so, because the childern have already learn this from theri parents. Take a look the situation in China, you will get more understanding why school in China took so much part of moral education role. Lots of parents say rude words or even abuse each other in front of their children. The childern grow in such situation of course pick up those wrong behaviors quickly.

I still remember one time i saw a little western girl walk on the street with her mum. She dropped her toy and I picked up for her. The girl was shy and run away from me. Her mum smiled and walked her toward me and told her she needed to say thank you after geting help from me. I think that's what we call 'moral education'. parents are the best moral model from their kids. if we can understand this, we shall not worry to build up moral education in our education system by putting so much money and energy.
只是我个人的观点哦,如果你不喜欢的话就告诉我你自己的观点吧:-)追问我认为你的观点是很有道理的,德育教育在早期是关键之一。不过我觉得,德育不仅人人育人,而且要处处育人。任何空间,都是育人的环境。社会、自然,都是课堂,都是教材。而且,学校教育特别重要,毕竟在一个人的成长过程中,在学校的时间很长,并且学校也是人际交往的开始。就是我不知道如何用英语来描述。追答The moral education is not the responsibility for someone but should be for the whole society. Any part of the society can be a moral classroom -- at home, in the park, at the public transportation and so on. Of course school as the main education system in the society should take the main responsiblity in moral education. For most of students, majority of the time he or she will stay at school or unicersty and at there they meet peoples, not only teachers and classmates but all sorts of people. So schools and teachers should take the responsiblity and creat a great environment for young childern to get proper moral education during the early stage.