

答案:2  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-04 15:00
  • 提问者网友:容嬷嬷拿针来
  • 2021-04-03 22:29
完形填空 It was lunchtime and I walked into a small branch office on the West Side. I had come to1a checking account. The only officer on2was a fortyish black man, standing3a small counter from a young white boy who was wearing a V-necked sweater. I think I was especially4of the boy because he looked more like a kid from a prep school than a5in a West Side bank. The boy continued to6my attention because of what happened next. He was holding an open savings-account book and7an expression of disappointment. “But I don’t understand. I opened the account myself, so why can’t I8any money?” the boy said, his voice breaking. “I know it is, but those are the rules. I’ve already explained to you that a fourteen-year-old is not9to withdraw money without a letter from his parents,” the officer explained patiently. Suddenly I noticed the account had a series of small deposits and withdraws. Then I questioned the officer, “How do you10that? Why did you let him withdraw money before, but not now?” He looked11. “Because the tellers were not aware of his age before and now they are. It’s really very12.” I turned to the boy with a shrug. “You’re really getting13,” I said. “You ought to get your parents to come in here and14.” The boy looked destroyed.15, he put his savings book in a rear-pocket and walked out of the bank. The officer turned to me. “You know,” he said, “you really shouldn’t have got16.” I couldn’t believe what this idiot was saying. “We were17this morning that some neighborhood bully has been shaking down (敲诈) this boy for more than a month. The other guy was18him to take money out every week and hand it over. The poor kid was19too scared to tell anyone. Anyway, the police are on the case and they’11 probably make a(n)20today. “You mean there is no rule about being too young to withdraw money from a savings account?”“Not that I ever heard of. Now, sir, what can we do for you?”1.A.makeB.openC.buyD.choose2.A.dutyB.boardC.displayD.show3.A.onB.afterC.overD.across4.A.sureB.proudC.awareD.afraid5.A.guardB.customerC.clerkD.manager6.A.attractB.payC.attachD.control7.A.puttingB.writingC.sayingD.wearing8.A.borrowB.depositC.withdrawD.use9.A.toldB.inspiredC.encouragedD.allowed10.A.argueB.explainC.answerD.declare11.A.annoyedB.disappointedC.excitedD.amused12.A.easyB.amazingC.fantasticD.simple13.A.arrangedB.convincedC.cheatedD.caught14.A.protestB.promiseC.prohibitD.prepare15.A.ExcitedlyB.SilentlyC.CheerfullyD.Nervously16.A.interactedB.interruptedC.involvedD.infected17.A.askedB.discoveredC.suggestedD.informed18.A.rushingB.forcingC.requestingD.begging19.A.hardlyB.unwillinglyC.apparentlyD.eagerly20.A.arrestB.sentenceC.apologyD.difference
  • 五星知识达人网友:人類模型
  • 2021-04-03 22:43
BADCB ADCDB ADCAB CDBCA解析文章讲述的是作者在银行遇到的一件事情,一个银行员工不让一个孩子取钱,谎称他的年龄不够,其实是为了保护他,因为有一伙人在敲诈这个孩子。1.考查动词搭配,open a account 意为到银行开户。根据后文可知他是在银行。2.考查词组搭配,on duty 当班,值班 句意为当时唯一值班的工作人员3.across a small counter 意为在柜台的对面4.句意理解,根据下文可知,这个男孩引起了作者的注意,即be aware of the boy5.上下文,因为这个孩子很小,而银行只有唯一一个当班的员工,所以说这个孩子不太像个银行的顾客。6.固定搭配 attract one's attention 意为吸引某人的注意力7.考查常用搭配,wear an expression of ……意为面带……表情8.上下文。根据后文可知该孩子想取钱。9.根据前面的rules可知,按规定他是不允许单独取钱的。10.句意理解,此处意为他有一系列存取钱的记录,你作何解释。你为什么允许他以前取钱,而现在不允许。11.上下文。根据后文可知,该员工是想帮助这个孩子,而作者在帮倒忙,所以他很生气。12.句意理解,此处意为以前员工不知道他的年龄,现在知道了,就这么简单。13.上下文,根据You ought to get your parents to come in here and protest,可知,作者认为银行里欺骗了孩子,应当找父母来抗议。14.同上15.上下文,此时孩子很失望,只能默不作声离开了。16.句意理解,此处意为你真不应该卷入到这件事情中来,get involved in 涉及,卷入17.inform sb 意为告知某人,此处句意为我们今天早上被告知,有一群人在敲诈这个孩子有一个月了18.上下文,因为是敲诈,所以是强迫孩子每周拿钱给他们。19.上下文,因为孩子来取钱了,所以很明显,他太害怕了而不敢告诉别人。20.上下文,因为已经通知的警察,所以警察会采取逮捕行动,即arrest。
  • 1楼网友:煞尾
  • 2021-04-03 23:25