
A snake handler who cheated death after being badly bitten by a snake is now teaching Aust

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解决时间 2021-12-30 05:03
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  • 2021-12-29 17:41
A snake handler who cheated death after being badly bitten by a snake is now teaching Australians how to 36 in the case.Neville-Burns has been bitten twelve times during his long work with snakes, and uses all his 37 to give lectures to people at risk of meeting a snake 38 .
Australia is home to most of the world's most deadly snakes.So Neville 39 the people how to deal with such close unexpected meetings..He sets up an enclosed area, and one by one, brings out four snakes so people can know the 40 of each snake.First out of the bag is a Red Black Snake.He 41 put his finger on it.That's 42 the entire forefinger on his right hand was 43 after he was bitten.But that wasn't his 44 experience.-When he was 18? a Brown Snake he had been holding by the tail 45 and bit him in the face.He was rushed to 46 and he was saved from death.
He says a Cobra Snake is perhaps very 47 but not the most venomous(有毒的). A black Manba Snake, one of the most 48 , is the longest venomous snake in the world.A Brown Snake is the final 49 at Neville's show.It is one of the most common snakes in Australia, and is the second most venomous in the world.Several times during the 50 it bits the bag; which Neville 51 in front of it.
Neville's advice is to stay 52 if a snake is nearby, as most will only 53 if they feel threatened.He tells people to be 54 but not to pick one 'up by the tail.He then does exactly that as part of his show.He also says he 55 believes in the old saying once bitten, twice shy.
【小题1】..A.surviveB.moveC.trainD.meet【小题2】.A.moneyB.conditionC.experienceD.time【小题3】..A.luckilyB.unexpectedlyC.attentivelyD.finally【小题4】..A.asksB.persuadesC.teachesD.permits【小题5】..A.skillsB.characteristicsC.weightD.length【小题6】..A.needn'tB.shouldn'tC.daren'tD.wouldn't【小题7】..A.howB.whetherC.whenD.because【小题8】..A.cut offB.got downC.put awayD.handed out【小题9】..A.bestB.greatestC.worstD.happiest【小题10】..A.turnedB.smeltC.wokeD.fled【小题11】..A.officeB.hospitalC.schoolD.house【小题12】..A.safeB.puzzledC.gentleD.dangerous【小题13】..A.deadlyB.friendlyC.carefulD.ashamed【小题14】..A.visitorB.guestC.listenerD.cook【小题15】..A.reportB.showC.conversationD.week【小题16】..A.ownsB.carriesC.wavesD.needs【小题17】..A.noisyB.excitedC.warmD.still【小题18】..A.disappearB.attackC.fleeD.play【小题19】..A.braveB.kindC.distantD.good【小题20】.A.usuallyB.alwaysC.neverD.sometimes. A
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