

答案:1  悬赏:40  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-03 03:38
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问题一:高尔夫球用英语怎么说 golf G 代表 green 绿色 绿色的草坪 O 代表 Oxygen 氧气 高尔夫是有氧运动 L 代表 Light 阳光 那里有充足的阳光 球打得好的人都很黑 F 代表 Fri钉ndship foot 友谊跟步行 在球场我们可以交到很多朋友 而且 打高尔夫全程步行也是一种乐趣 享受 .. 希望你能喜欢这项运动 ! DO YOU KONW ??问题二:高尔夫球用英语怎么说 高尔夫球
[词典] golf; [计] golfball;
You can play tennis or go golfing.问题三:高尔夫球杆的英文怎么说 挖起杆分几种,一般职业都没沙杆而都是用的挖起杆。它是从52度到60度或以上的杆。它的材料有铬,青铜等。一般都是手工做的。英文是 lob wedge问题四:高尔夫球用具英语怎么说 高尔夫球用具
Golf equipment问题五:高尔夫英文专业术语有哪些??? 高尔夫术语中英文对照表
A Address 瞄球,击球准备动作
Advice 对别人的打法或其他技术上的事项提出建议
Again 重新击球,Play again的缩写
Against logy 加一杆赛
Against par 标准击杆赛,以规定击球次数作对象,来决定胜负。
Against wind 逆风、顶风
Albtross 双鹰,比标准杆少三杆
Approach 近距离切球,即在果岭附近要把球打上果岭时称之
Approach cleek 轻击球杆,铁杆的一种,作推球进洞之用
Approach part 轻击区推杆,使球靠近小旗竿的长推杆
Approve 比赛结束之署名
Apron 球洞四周草坡,草地四周下垂斜面
Arc 杆头弧线,挥杆时,杆头经过的轨道
Arwy 计分杆数(前九洞的成绩取决于handleap)
Atert 正确记号(比赛结束后记分员检查记分卡证明无误)
Attend 陪伴(杆弟陪伴之意)
Average golfer 球技中等者(差点15~20者)
Back 朝后、向后
Back sole 朝后杆头底部
Back spin 回旋球(使用铁杆正确下击,球成反旋转)
Back swing 上杆
Back tee 发球区
Bad luck 球运欠佳
Baffy 4号木杆
Balance 平衡
Ball mark 球落下来之后打在地上所造成的痕迹
Balls up 数球,计算比赛结束的球洞,得胜球洞数从对方球洞数中扣除而剩余者
Banana Ball 美式称右曲球
Basebll grip 自然握杆法
Batting leg 击球腿(指左脚而言)
Bent grass 常绿草
Best ball 好球,以最少的杆数进洞,此项比赛以一人、二人、三人为一组进行,各球洞与对方最少的杆数相对抗
Birdie 小鸟球,或博蒂,低于标准杆一杆 Bit 打赌 Bite 强后施球 Black 碳纤木杆
Blade 刀背球杆,或锻造球杆
Blast 沙坑打球法,也叫作explosion shot,击烈的打沙坑里的沙,使球飞出去 Blind 盲点,目标由于树木或地形起伏看不见的时候。另外一个意思是按照得分差失决定胜负
Blind Hole 遮掩洞
Blow up 失势(不能挽回的混乱比赛)
Boger competition 标准杆数和个人杆数差异的比分赛
Bogey 补给,也称柏忌,高于标准杆一杆
Bone 羊角,为了避免球杆头的底部断裂,而插进去的羊角
Booby 倒数第一,又称BB奖、精神奖
Brassie 2号木杆
Bunker 沙坑
Caddie 球僮
Caddie Fee 球僮费
Card 记分卡
Carrid honor 优先开球数:后半球洞中,得高分者在次一开洞区仍超前击球者
Carry 击球进洞:击球后球落到地面的距离
Cart 球车
Casual water 临时出现水区(雨水或地下水临时出现的积水区)
Casual Water 临时积水区
Chip 低飞球
Chip shot 打出滚地球让球滚进球洞
Circuit 巡回赛
Claim 抗议(比赛中对方违反规则所提出的意见)
Clean 直接击球
Clear 过洞,球员通过的球洞
Cleek 5号木杆
Close 朝内
Close championship 非公开赛(参加者限......余下全文>>问题六:高尔夫球英语怎么写?一定给采纳! 您好!golf 高尔夫球运动
golf ball 高尔夫球个体
希望对您有所帮助!问题七:关于高尔夫球的英文介绍 Golf is a precision club and ball sport, in which competing players (or golfers) use many types of clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a golf course using the fewest number of strokes.
It is one of the few ball games that does not require a standardized playing area. Instead, the game is played on golf courses, each of which features a unique design, although courses typically consist of either nine or 18 holes. Golf is defined, in the rules of golf, as playing a ball with a club from the teeing ground into the hole by a stroke or successive strokes in accordance with the Rules.
Golf competition is generally played for the lowest number of strokes by an individual, known simply as stroke play, or the lowest score on the most individual holes during a complete round by an individual or team, known as match play.
Main article: History of golf
While the modern game of golf originated in 15th century Scotland, the game's ancient origins are unclear and much debated. Some historians[3] trace the sport back to the Roman game of paganica, in which participants used a bent stick to hit a stuffed leather ball. One theory asserts that paganica spread throughout Europe as the Romans conquered most of the continent, during the first century BC, and eventually evolved into the modern game.[4] Others cite chuiwan (chui means striking and wan means small ball) as the progenitor, a Chinese game played between the eigh......余下全文>>