
wear/put on/dress 区别

答案:5  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-30 12:25
  • 提问者网友:眉目添风霜
  • 2021-01-29 17:57
  • 五星知识达人网友:旧脸谱
  • 2021-01-29 18:33
1. wear 意思是:穿着(衣物),表示穿着衣服的这一状态 ;
戴着 (眼睛、帽子等)
eg: She is wearing a beautiful skirt today.
2. put on 表示:穿上 强调的是穿衣的这一动作
eg: It's cold outside. put on your coat before you go out.
3.dress 意思是:穿...衣服 但是dress常用的结构是 : be dressed in / dress oneself
eg: He is dressed in a large coat.

in 表示穿着 后面加 衣服的颜色

eg: The man in a black shirt is my father.
  • 1楼网友:北城痞子
  • 2021-01-29 21:20
dress:不及物动词.穿,打扮.多指穿的状态,后跟in.也有表示动作,用作ing.一般乔装打扮、用心的装扮等都用dress,多用于叙述性语境. put on :及物短语.穿.常用于表示穿的动作. wear:及物动词.表示穿的状态,多用于描述性语境. He dressed himself in a suit of uniform.Then he drivee to the company. 他穿了一套工作服,然后开车去公司. He put on a suit of uinform. 他穿上一套工作服. He wears a suit of uinform with a blue tie which looks well. 他穿着一套西服打着一条蓝领带,看起来很不错.
  • 2楼网友:神的生死簿
  • 2021-01-29 19:54
wear指已经穿在身上这个状态,后面接穿在身上的东西。如he wears red t-shirt today. 今天他穿着红色t恤。
put on是指穿上去这个动作。 put on your coat. 把你的外套穿上。
dress可以做名词,也可以做动词。动词时意思是穿着,后面一边不接宾语。如 you dress form today. 今天你穿得很正式。
  • 3楼网友:夜余生
  • 2021-01-29 19:05
put on 强调动作 wear和dress都强调状态 但wear是接sth dress是接sb,常用被动,如:get dressed,be dressed in 希望能帮到你, 如有疑问,可追问~
  • 4楼网友:十鸦
  • 2021-01-29 18:59
put on穿上(及物,得加上衣服,表示动作) Put on your clothes and we will go out. dress穿衣(不及物,没宾语) The girl is dressing. 给……穿上(及物,宾语是人) The mother is dressing her baby. be dressed表示状态; The woman is well dressed. get dressed(表示动作) wear穿着(状态,后面接衣服) They wear beautiful clothes.