

答案:2  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-29 03:42
  • 提问者网友:却不属于对方
  • 2021-01-28 10:43
t play with the boy.he'.there are many flowers in the green room.my uncle is twenty-nine.jim looks blue.he was born in the purple.don's in the green?kate likes to be in a brown study;t trust him;s a black sheep.is there any white coffee in a cup;s a yellow dog;t find her dog.they don't like the yellow book.she is under the black;t like brown sugar.don'.he'.the girl can'I like blues.i don'.he' 问题补充:快,今晚要用
  • 五星知识达人网友:野慌
  • 2021-01-28 11:26
I like blues(蓝调).i don't like brown sugar(红糖).jim looks blue(压抑).don't trust him.he's a yellow dog(卑鄙的人).they don't like the yellow book(黄皮书,报告书).there are many flowers in the green room(温室).my uncle is twenty-nine.he's in the green(血气方刚).don't play with the boy.he's a black sheep(败家子).the girl can't find her dog.she is under the black(很忧郁).is there any white coffee (加牛奶的咖啡)in a cup?kate likes to be in a brown study(幻想).he was born in the purple(出生高贵).
  • 1楼网友:第四晚心情
  • 2021-01-28 12:32
句子: 翡翠一样的小溪里,点缀着灰绿的、土黄的小石子,还有金黄的小鱼自由自在地游着,真像一幅潇洒的水墨画…… 金黄的柿子躲藏在墨绿的树上,像一只只黄蝴蝶在草丛里飞舞,可爱极了! 夕阳西下,原野的草丛翠色欲流,偶尔零星点缀几朵橘黄的野菊,更增添了无限的诗情画意. 词语: 茄子紫 象牙白 宝石蓝 苍穹蓝 田园绿 丝缎白 香槟金 铁锈红 海豚银 月光银 胭脂红 湖水蓝 玫瑰紫 苹果绿 柠檬黄 翡翠绿 玛瑙红 火红 草绿 银灰 天蓝 檀木黑 丝光棕 琥珀橙 漆黑 湛蓝 希望能帮到你,满意望采纳哦。