
One Monday morning,news got around in the schoolyard about a fire over the weekend.Soon Mr

答案:2  悬赏:80  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-21 11:19
  • 提问者网友:凉末
  • 2021-03-20 17:49
One Monday morning,news got around in the schoolyard about a fire over the weekend.Soon Mr.Johnson,my teacher,came to explain that the Art class would be due to the fire.He also warned us not to approach the Art room because it could be .
During the morning break,Kirn and I decided to take a .A first hand observation would make us heroes at lunch.At the appointed time,Kirn and I the Art room,ignoring the consequence I would face I got caught.We stood on tiptoes looking hard the door window,trying in vain to see was forbidden.Suddenly a firm on our shoulders stopped us.
Turning around,I found a teacher staring angrily at us.In those seconds millions of flashed through my mind.My father would beat me hard. than that,my mom might be so mad that she might not stop him.My spirits even lower while realizing how Mr.Johnson would be.
When Kirn and I were led back to our classroom,I could found to hide and wanted to melt into the .However,Mr.Johnson had a different to teach.
Slowly,he bent down to look me in the ,and I was met with a look of concern rather than anger.He spoke softly as he explained why he was in my decision to go where I may have got hurt.He cared more about my than the fact that I’d broken a rule.My heart was with regret,and I discovered that he still loved me even after I disappointed him.The rest of the day,he didn’t even mention it in class publicly, did he tell my parents.It was the first time I felt the power of being given an unexpected second chance.
【小题1】A.confirmedB.examinedC.cancelledD.suggested【小题2】A.uselessB.dangerousC.childish D.naughty【小题3】A.testB.riskC.checkD.chance【小题4】A.reached B.searchedC.enteredD.cleaned【小题5】A.untilB.unlessC.asD.if【小题6】A.overB.withinC.throughD.across【小题7】A.whatB.howC.whyD.which【小题8】A.wordB.holdC.cryD.order【小题9】A.thoughtsB.feelingsC.solutionsD.excuses【小题10】A.EasierB.LessC.MoreD.Worse【小题11】.A.changedB.liftedC.sankD.lost【小题12】A.strangeB.angryC.kindD.sad【小题13】A.somewhereB.anywhereC.nowhereD.everywhere【小题14】A.fireB.laughC.tableD.floor【小题15】A.courseB.lessonC.knowledgeD.ability【小题16】A.eyeB.headC.handD.feet【小题17】A.embarrassedB.excitedC.disappointedD.moved【小题18】A.gradeB.honestyC.interestD.safety【小题19】A.fullB.heavyC.relaxedD.empty【小题20】A.soB.norC.eitherD.yetC
  • 五星知识达人网友:忘川信使
  • 2021-03-20 18:40
(答案→)C 解析:【小题1】 C解析 confirm证实,肯定;examine检查,调查;cancel取消,废除;suggest建议。根据前面的the Art class知道应该用cancel指艺术课被取消了。【小题2】 B解析 从上文来看Art room发生了火灾,因此此处应该是由于危险而不能靠近,所以选择B项。【小题3】 B解析 根据前文老师警告我们不要靠近Art room知,此处应该是表示冒险去做某事。take a risk冒险。【小题4】 A解析 从后文的“looking hard the door window”可知,我们并没有进入the Art room。所以应该选A项。【小题5】 D解析 until直到……;unless除非……;as当……时;if如果。根据文章意思推测,本句应该是:……如果我被抓所面临的后果。所以本题应选择D项。【小题6】 C解析 根据意思应该是通过窗户看……。所以应该用through。【小题7】 A解析 从句子看,此处的宾语从句缺主语,所以应该用what。【小题8】 B解析 word话;hold握,抓;cry哭;order命令。从后面的shoulder可知是:抓住了肩膀。所以应该选择B项。【小题9】 A解析 thought想法;feeling感觉,知觉;solution解决办法;excuse理由,辩解,借口。本句的意思是:很多的想法在脑子里出现。【小题10】 D解析 easier更容易的;less更少的,较少的;more更多的;worse更糟糕的。本句的意思是:更糟糕的是……。【小题11】 C解析 change改变,交换;lift提,举,解除;sink下降,陷入,衰退,下沉;lose丢失,迷失。从前面可知Mr.Johnson禁止去做这件事,所以当我意识到这件事时,我的情绪应该是消沉。故选C项。【小题12】 B解析 strange奇怪的;angry生气的;kind和蔼的;sad悲伤的。从上题可知Mr.Johnson知道我做的事之后应该是生气。【小题13】 C解析 somewhere某处;anywhere任何地方;nowhere无处;everywhere到处。由于羞愧心理,我应该是想找地方藏起来,却找不到。所以应该选择nowhere。【小题14】 D解析 fire火;laugh笑;table桌子;floor地板。根据上题可知我想躲起来。melt into the floor藏到地下去。【小题15】 B解析 course课程,过程;lesson教训,课;knowledge知识;ability能力。由语境知应选lesson。【小题16】 A解析 eye眼睛;head头;hand手;foot脚。look sb.in the eye正视某人。【小题17】 C解析 因为我违背了老师的意愿,所以老师很失望(disappointed)。【小题18】 D解析 grade分数;honesty诚实;interest兴趣;safety安全。本句话的意思为:比起我违反纪律来说老师更加关心我的安全。【小题19】 B解析 full满的;heavy沉重的;relaxed放松的,松懈的,随意的;empty空的。看到了老师对我的教育,我应该感觉到愧疚。be heavy with/be full of充满……。【小题20】 B解析 so如此;nor也不,也没有;either或者;yet然而,但是。本句的意思是:……老师既没有在班上公开提到这个事,也没有告诉我的父母。
  • 1楼网友:毛毛
  • 2021-03-20 20:09