

答案:2  悬赏:10  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-04 21:41
  • 提问者网友:那叫心脏的地方装的都是你
  • 2021-04-04 12:43
阅读理解 Australia warns on migrant cutsAustralia may cut the number of immigrants who are allowed into the country if the global financial crisis raises unemployment levels. Australian Immigration Minister Chris Evans said a decision on reducing numbers would be taken after mid-year financial data is published next month. Around 190, 300 immigrants are forecast to arrive in Australia in 2008/09. Earlier this month, a British minister said the country could reduce migrant flows due to the economic crisis. Mr Evans said the country's current migrant programme, which is aimed at skilled workers, was designed when Australia was forecasting good economic growth and a skills shortage. The government will take a calm look at those issues and make a decision when we have got proper information, he told Nine Network television. Clearly if the demand for labour comes off, you'd adjust the migration programme appropriately, he said. We can turn the taps off if we need to. Mr Evans said that any decision on cutting migrant flows was complex, considering their contribution to the country's economy. We know that they consume, they buy property, and they're a net positive to the budget, he said. And a lot of the skills that are coming in at the moment are in the mining sector, which has allowed us to increase our exports. He said there were still industries which had a strong demand for labour and the government would analyse the economic situation and consult industry before deciding on what to do. 1.1.Which of the following can we know from this passage?A.Australia may decide to increase the number of migrants.B.Britain has decided to reduce the number of migrants.C.Australia has decided to increase the number of migrants.D.Britain has decided to increase the number of migrants.2.2.Australia may cut off the number of migrants mainly because ______ . A.Britain has decided to reduce the number of migrantsB.it is forecast Australian will have good economic growthC.Australia has no demand for skilled workers in miningD.the global economic crisis is getting worse and worse3.3.What does Mr Evans imply by saying the underlined sentence?A.It is necessary for the country to cut off the number of migrants.B.Citizens should turn off the taps when they don’t use the water.C.Britain shouldn’t have reduced the number of migrants.D.Increasing migrants to the country will consume more water.4.4.From the passage, what does Mr Evans think of migrants’ contributions to Australia’s economy?A.NegativeB.DoubtfulC.PositiveD.Critical
  • 五星知识达人网友:罪歌
  • 2021-04-04 13:24
CABD解析1. C推理判断题。根据全文内容分析可知,由于金融动荡给人们心理上带来巨大压力而需要释放或发泄,许多健康俱乐部或中心乘机采取各种措施来以便吸引更多顾客。2. A细节理解题。根据短文内容分析可知,B,C和D三项不符合短文事实,又根据短文第五段中“...must pay to rejoin. But, for longtime members who suddenly lack money, ‘We’ll let them pick up their membership without any fees …”含义可知,A项叙述正确,故选A。3. B推理判断题。根据作者在报道中所进行的议论和所用的语气词与等可以推断作者对金融动荡感到担忧。4. D推理判断题。根据全文内容分析可知,在金融动荡情况下美国许多健康俱乐部采取措施来招揽顾客,因此本文应该来源于一件健康保健网站。
  • 1楼网友:西岸风
  • 2021-04-04 14:02