

答案:1  悬赏:50  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-07 14:04
  • 提问者网友:夢醒日落
  • 2021-03-07 05:26
  • 五星知识达人网友:杯酒困英雄
  • 2021-03-07 06:06
问题一:英语作文 题目 选择理科的理由 是关于神魔的呢
We are now living in an information age, in which TV, cells and the Web are widely used. It seems that many people cannot enjoy themselves without them.
However, if I had to give up one of them, I would turn off the TV rather than switch off my cell or cut off the Internet. I could do without TV because few shows take my fancy and there’re too many commercials. Besides, most programs on TV are also available elsewhere.
As for cells and the Web, they are more necessary to me. I need a cell to keep in touch with my friends and family, and almost all information can be gathered on the Internet.问题二:50条学习英语的理由 给你写几个供你参考吧:
1.Learning English is my interest. 学习英语是我的兴趣。
2.English is the most popular language in the world.英语是世界上最流行的语言。
3.By speaking English, I can talk with foreigners easily.说英语,我可以很容易地和老外交流。
4.I can read English books.我可以读英文书。
5. I can sing English songs.我可以唱英文歌。
6.I can watch English movies easily.我可以很容易地看英文电影。
7.I will have more confidence to travel to the other countries. 去别的国家旅游,我会更自信。
8.I can write in English.我可以用英文书写。
9. I can communicate with foreigners by writing emails in English.我可以用英文写电子邮件跟老外交流。
1o.I can introduce Chinese culture to foreigners easily. 我可以更容易地把中国文化介绍给老外。
11.I can be an English-speaking tour guide. 我可以当一个英文导游。
12.I can have a better work. 我可以有个更好的工作。
13.I can work in the joint-venture.我可以在外企工作。
14.I can go to study abroad.我可以去国外留学。
15.I can go to live abroad.我可以去国外生活。
16. I can marry a foreigner. 我可以和一个老外结婚。
17.I can listen to English radio. 我可以听英文广播。
18. I can understand western culture better. 我可以更好地了解西方文化。问题三:关于高中生选文科还是理科原因的英语作文 看兴趣吧!否则,你选了也会后悔的,过来人的见解!问题四:英语问题:要求:答案+选这个选项的理由+不选其他选项的理由(快!) 1.Is this house ( D ) he visited last year? A、that B、which C、whose D、the one 2.is this the house ( B )he visited last year? A、one B、which C、the one D、where 解析: 第一题陈述句应为:This house is... ,如果为This is house...,不符合定语从句的语法,定语从句的先行词是特指,所以变为陈述句应为:This house is ( ) he visited last year. 差一个先行词,visit 为及物动词,从句缺宾语,应用that或which, that 作宾语可以省略,因此,填the one 做先行词和主句的宾语。第二题同理,陈述句为:This is the house ( ) he visited last year. visit 是及物动词,从句缺宾语,因此用that 或which. 3.—I'm afraid I've got a headache. —( B )? Wait here and I'll get some medicine for you . A.are you B. have you 根据后面的建议,这句话问的是你感冒了吗?而不是,你害怕你感冒了吗?are you 就是对I am afraid 的提问,因此,选B。 4.Is Judy here already ? Judy ?You mean the girl ( B ) with Mr Brown yesterday? A.talked B.talking C .to talk D. talks 考的是定语从句。“你指的是那个昨天和布莱恩谈话的女孩吗?”,从句缺主语和宾语,talked 表示被动,talking表示主动, to do 表示将要,不选 talks, 如果要选,前面应该有连接词that 或which,从句意看应该选B。 5.I said I like the movie .But the ( B ) is ,I don't A.truth B ,fact C. matter D answer truth 指的是某件事的真相 fact ,就是事实上的意思 “我说我喜欢这部电影。事实上,我不喜欢。”问题五:关于“高中选文科还是理科好,原因是什么?”的英语作文120字 学文科高校招生的人数较少,一般学校在一个省招20,30个文科生,有的甚至6,7个,但是学起来简单,难度不大,多花点时间背背记记,但要想达到顶峰状态决不是时间的问题;学理科高校招生人数多,一般一所招70,80 ,100几十,不过考生相对较多,就业相对简单,因为目前对理科人才需求大些,会比文科学起来累点,不过多做做题,搞懂了原理就会很简单,你会发现题目出来出去也就那样!
不要怕理科作业,学文科也不简单的,也要付出很大的努力,只是换一种方式而已,要根据你的具体情况而定,如果两样感觉不分上下,建议学理科,绝对没错!问题六:《选文科还是选理科》英语作文 The Benefits of Reading
I think reading is important in the whole life for people. There are many benefits of reading. Firstly, reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the问题七:选择大学专业前景的理由英语作文 求一篇大学英语作文 ,急在线等谢谢
When it comes to the choice of career, some people prefer the job with high salary. But some others prefer to choose a job with promising future. What’s your choice?Why?
Directions: Write an essay in which you answer this question and discuss your point of view on this issue. Support your position logically with examples from literature, the arts, history, politics, science and technology, current events, or your experience or observation. You are asked to write an essay of no less than 150 words (for vocational college students, 120 words) on relevant topic. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.问题八:为什么有些理科好的人却学不会英语 理科先要理科太功夫钻研英语用非要弄清楚语类主要背单词再找师用教别教抓才能蒙题类语文要练习语文经神雷 英语提再配合弱理综语文总能 数忽视啊少英雄数板砖拍死啊切记切记啊 忘采