
英语单词atomosphere ambience的区别是什么

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解决时间 2021-04-08 09:07
  • 提问者网友:骨子里的高雅
  • 2021-04-07 10:21
英语单词atomosphere ambience的区别是什么
  • 五星知识达人网友:孤老序
  • 2021-04-07 10:53
  • 1楼网友:荒野風
  • 2021-04-07 14:04
atomosphere 在英文单词中有好几种意思,最常用的意思有“气氛,氛围”,常用作不可数名词名词n.    1. 大气[the S]   2. (某特定场所的)空气[S]   The atmosphere of the city is very much polluted.   那个城市的空气受到严重污染。   3. 气氛[S1]   The talk was conducted in a cordial atmosphere.   会谈是在热情友好的气氛中进行的。   4. 情趣;魅力[U]   The ancient palace has a lot of atmosphere.   这座古老的宫殿很有魅力。   5. (标准)气压[C]   网络释义   atmosphere   1. 大气,大气层,大气压   英语巴士论坛 atmosphere 大气,大气层,大气压   2.   空气,大气,气氛   成人三级学位英语的词汇表 阅读[851] ...atmosphere 空气,大气,气氛   3.   大气层   部分托福专项词汇 atmosphere 大气层 ambience 英 ['æmbɪəns] 美 ['æmbɪəns] n. 周围环境 气氛,格调 (烘托艺术品基调的)点缀[亦作ambiance] 变形: n. ambiences 短语 Lions Ambience 狮的环境 Large Ambience 宽音 Natural Ambience 自然情调 例句 The rejuvenating ambience of autumn is immeasurably more ancient than even the calendar. 秋天那让人恢复青春活力的气氛远比历法还要古老。 It consults consumers on everything from the ambience of its stores to itsenvironmental policies. 它向客户征询每一件事情比如咖啡店的气氛和店内环境规定。 It must be a whole experience for the diner - service, decor, ambience. 对用餐者来说这必然是一整套体验——服务,装饰,氛围。
  • 2楼网友:duile
  • 2021-04-07 13:28
Atomosphere最常用的意思有“气氛,氛围”,常用作不可数名词 名词n. 网络释义也可解释为“   大气,大气层,大气压 空气,大气,气氛 Ambience用作可数名词 n. 周围环境 气氛,格调 (烘托艺术品基调的)点缀[亦作ambiance] 变形: n. ambiences
  • 3楼网友:佘樂
  • 2021-04-07 13:08
atmosphere 主要指围绕地球的空气,即大气层,也可用来指环境气氛。ambience 指特定环境(particular environment)所创造的特殊的气氛(atmosphere)或格调(mood)。就环境气氛而言,前者是大概念,后者是包括在大概念中子概念。前者不能用后者替换,而后者可以用前者包容。例如:  
  • 下面的句子只能用atmosphere     These gases pollute the atmosphere of towns and cities. 这些气体污染了城镇的空气。   The Partial Test-Ban Treaty bans nuclear testing in the atmosphere. 《部分禁止核试验条约》禁止在大气层中进行核试验。  
  • 下面的例句中的atmosphere  和ambience 可以相互替换     Pale wooden floors and plenty of natural light add to the relaxed atmosphere (或ambience). 淡色木地板和充足的自然光平添了几分轻松的氛围。   There's still an atmosphere (或ambience) of great hostility and tension in the city. 强烈的敌对和紧张气氛依然笼罩着这座城市。   The overall ambience(换 atmosphere) of the room is cozy. 房间整体的感觉是温暖舒适
    • 4楼网友:十年萤火照君眠
    • 2021-04-07 12:25
    atmosphere英 [ˈætməsfɪə(r)] 美 [ˈætməsfɪr] n. 大气,空气;大气层;风格,基调;气氛 大气; 大气中; 气氛; 气氛中 复数:atmospheres 【1】大气;大气层;大气圈 A planet's atmosphere is the layer of air or other gases around it. .dangerous levels of pollution in the Earth's atmosphere... 地球大气层污染程度严重 The Partial Test-Ban Treaty bans nuclear testing in the atmosphere. 《部分禁止核试验条约》禁止在大气层中进行核试验。 【2】(呼吸的)空气 The atmosphere of a place is the air that you breathe there. These gases pollute the atmosphere of towns and cities. 这些气体污染了城镇的空气。 【3】 氛围;环境 The atmosphere of a place is the general impression that you get of it. Pale wooden floors and plenty of natural light add to the relaxed atmosphere... 淡色木地板和充足的自然光平添了几分轻松的氛围。 There's still an atmosphere of great hostility and tension in the city. 强烈的敌对和紧张气氛依然笼罩着这座城市。 【4】(地方或事件的)情调,魅力 If a place or an event has atmosphere, it is interesting. The old harbour is still full of atmosphere and well worth visiting. 这座古老的港口依然充满了情趣,颇值得一游。 这些名词均与“空气”有关。 atmosphere:指围绕有的星球,特别是围绕地球的空气,即大气层。也可指环境气氛。 air:指空气,也泛指一般气体。 gas:指气态物,尤指供燃烧取暖或照明的气体,其中一部分称作瓦斯。 1.The banquet is being held in an atmosphere of friendship and cordiality. 宴会在热情友好的气氛中进行着. 2. A clear atmosphere intensifies the blue of the sky. 纯净的空气使天空变得更蓝. 3. There is a subdued atmosphere in the school at exam time. 在考试期间,学校里有一种压抑的氛围. 4. The atmosphere in the office is quite free and easy. 办公室的气氛很轻松. 5. He soaked himself in the atmosphere of the place. 他沉浸在那一场合的气氛中. ambience[英] [ˈæmbi:əns, ɑ:ŋˈbjɑ:ŋs][美] [ˈæmbiəns, ɑŋˈbjɑŋs] n.气氛,布景;周围环境;“ambience”的变体 周围环境;气氛;格调 The ambience of a place is the character and atmosphere that it seems to have. The overall ambience of the room is cosy. 房间整体的感觉是温暖舒适。 1.The overall ambience of the room is cosy. 房间整体的感觉是温暖舒适。 2. the relaxed ambience of the city 这座城市轻松的氛围 3. This restaurant has a pleasant ambience. 这家饭店的环境优雅宜人. 4. The statue has a gentleness, an ambience, a wistful elegance. 那尊雕像具有一种柔和 、 一种独特格调 、 一种忧郁沉思的雅致. 5. The invaders have destroyed the, oh, I don't know what the right word is—the atmosphere, the ambience. 入侵者破坏了,嗯,我不知道用什么字眼好——气氛,氛围