
第二节完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)The train stopped and a girl got on. As I had become 36 by then

答案:2  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-30 20:42
  • 提问者网友:别再叽里呱啦
  • 2021-03-30 17:21

第二节完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
The train stopped and a girl got on. As I had become 36 by then, I could not tell what the girl looked like, but I could say she was a pretty girl.
“Are you going to Dehra Dun?” I asked her as the train 37 . Maybe my voice 38 her. She screamed in a low voice and said, “I don’t know anyone else here.” Well, it often 39 that people with good 40 fail to see what is right in front of them. “I didn’t see you either at first,” I said. “But I 41 you come in.” I wondered if I would be able to 42 her from discovering that I couldn’t see. I thought, 43 I kept to my seat, it shouldn’t be too difficult.
She was silent. Then I made a 44 . “What is it like outside?” I asked. She seemed to find something 45 in the question. Had she already noticed that I could not see? But her next question 46 my doubts. “Why don’t you look out of the window?” she asked quite 47 . I smiled, “You have an interesting face.” I thought it was a 48 remark as few girls could be tired of hearing that.
She laughed pleasantly. “It’s 49 to be told that,” she said. “But I’m so tired of people telling me that I have a 50 face.” Oh, so you did have a pretty face, thought I, and aloud I said, “Well, an interesting face 51 also be pretty.” “You are a good 52 ,” she said. “But why are you so serious?” Just then, the train 53 slowly into the next station, and the girl said goodbye to me.
“She was an interesting girl,” I said to a new 54 and then I asked him, “Did she keep her hair long or short?” “I don’t remember,” he replied, sounding 55 . “But she was completely blind. Didn’t you notice?”
36. A. sleepy B. blind C. hungry D. dull
37. A. pulled out B. pulled in C. left off D. sent out
38. A. annoyed B. cheered C. shocked D. touched
39. A. appears B. turns C. proves D. happens
40. A. intension B. eyesight C. power D. ability
41. A. watched B. heard C. observed D. forgot
42. A. prevent B. cheat C. protect D. hold
43. A. unless B. until C. if D. though
44. A. promise B. plan C. trick D. mistake
45. A. interesting B. difficult C. strange D. unfamiliar
46. A. removed B. canceled C. disappeared D. added
47. A. simply B. naturally C. nervously D. calmly
48. A. special B. popular C. safe D. familiar
49. A. boring B. fortunate C. confusing D. nice
50. A. pretty B. common C. similar D. blind
51. A. must B. should C. can D. shall
52. A. liar B. talker C. neighbor D. passer-by
53. A. dragged B. slipped C. entered D. drew
54. A. conductor B. passenger C. waiter D. policeman
55. A. excited B. disappointed C. puzzled D. indifferent36-40 BACBD 41-45BACDC 46-50 ABCDA 51-55CBDBC
  • 五星知识达人网友:酒醒三更
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(答案→)36-40 BACBD 41-45BACDC 46-50 ABCDA 51-55CBDBC 解析:可联系答.案.网客服索取。
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