

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-16 23:16
  • 提问者网友:焚苦与心
  • 2021-03-16 14:59
阅读理解 Three wishes A man and his wife were very poor. They kept hoping for new clothes and good food. The man enjoyed eating, and he especially liked cakes. One night an old woman came to their house and told them she would let them have three wishes. They could wish for anything they wanted. The man had just finished eating a piece of bread for his dinner, but he was still hungry. He said, “I wish I had a big cake!” Suddenly a cake appeared on his plate. “You fool!” His wife cried. “You could have wished for a house full of wonderful food, but you wished for a cake. I wish that cake was on the end of your foolish nose! ” Immediately the cake stuck to the end of his nose. Then the man and his wife started blaming each other. “It’s your fault!” the man cried. “No, it’s your fault!” she answered. What could they do? The cake was still stuck to the husband’s nose. “Oh!” the wife cried. “I wish none of this had ever happened!” Immediately the cake was gone, and the man was saying, “I’m still hungry. How I wish I had some cakes! ”But of course nothing happened.1.The man quarreled with his wife because ___.A.he always enjoyed eatingB.his wife hoped that he asked for a houseC.the cake stuck to the end of his nose according to his wife’s wish.D.he didn’t want anything except cakes2.The wrong statement of the following is ___.A.the man made his wishes before dinnerB.the wife made two wishes, which workedC.the wife wanted her husband to wish for more than a big cakeD.the man wished that the cake were not on his nose3.Why did the old woman not satisfy the man’s wish when he said he was still hungry and wanted some cakes?A.Because the old lady was angry with themB.Because this was the fourth wish.C.Because the man had made this wish before.D.Because the cake had been gone.
  • 五星知识达人网友:天凉才是好个秋
  • 2020-02-13 20:34
CAB解析文章讲述了一个有趣的小故事。1.细节题。根据第六段The cake was still stuck to the husband’s nose.2.细节题。根据第二段第一行The man had just finished eating a piece of bread for his dinner, but he was still hungry。3.推理题。根据文章可知他们已经许完了3个愿望了,这是第四个了。
  • 1楼网友:旧脸谱
  • 2021-02-15 03:31