
妻子:“糟糕,亲爱的,你送给我的钻石戒指,落到红茶里去了……” 结果,戒指又平安回到妻子的手上,而且一点也没有弄湿的痕迹。这难道是奇迹吗?

答案:4  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-08 16:36
  • 提问者网友:记得曾经
  • 2021-01-08 00:03
Tomorrow was his girlfriend’s birthday and the young man was having a difficult time deciding on a present for her. She already had more clothes than she knew what to do with them, so he couldn’t get any kind of apparel. She never ate sweets, so candy was out of the question. What then? He had a very special reason for wanting to impress her with just the right gift; tomorrow he was going to make an offer of marriage to her.
He finally decided on perfume(香水). All girls liked perfume. That raised another problem, however. What kind did she prefer? He couldn’t ask her because that would ruin the surprise.
At last the young man hit upon a brilliant idea. That afternoon, pretending to take his girlfriend’s fox terrier, a little dog for a walk, the young man and the dog went directly to the perfume counter of the town’s biggest department store. Good! There was a large array (长列) of perfume. He beckoned(招呼) a clerk, instructing her to open a large number of bottles and wave the stoppers under the dog’s nose.
Nestled in the young man’s arms, the terrier began to be restless and bored as this seemingly pointless game went on. Then Fritz suddenly became frisky, wiggling in the young man’s arms and barking excitedly, as the clerk waved one stopper under its nose.
“I’ll take that one,” said the young man to the clerk. The price was high, but it was worth it, he thought.
“My favorite perfume!” said the delighted girl the next evening as she unwrapped the package. “How did you know?” she asked, dabbing some perfume behind each ear.
“Intuition(直觉), I guess.” said the young man, deciding that it wasn’t exactly wrong to tell a lie under the circumstances. One day, after they were married, he would admit that his intuition had really been a little dog named Fritz.
【小题1】Which of the following words best describes the young man in the story ?A.Kind-heartedB.CuriousC.CreativeD.Mean【小题2】The underlined word “frisky” in Paragraph 4 means .A.livelyB.angryC.uneasyD.puzzled【小题3】According to the story, the birthday present for the girl was actually decided on by .A.the young manB.the store clerkC.the man’s intuitionD.the dog Fritz【小题4】Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE ?A.The young man wanted to give his girlfriend a pleasant surprise.B.The pet dog Fritz knew what the young man wanted very well.C.The kind of perfume the young man chose was expensive.D.The young man told a white lie about his final choice of the perfume.C
  • 五星知识达人网友:摆渡翁
  • 2020-09-05 04:38
(答案→)C 解析:文章介绍了一个年轻人为了给女朋友一个惊喜,想买香水给她,为了选择女朋友喜欢的香水,年轻人把狗用上了。【小题1】推理题:从年轻人选择买什么礼物,到他用狗选择礼物,都可以看出他很有创造力。选C【小题2】猜词题:从后面的描写, wiggling in the young man’s arms and barking excitedly, 可知frisky 是活泼的意思。选A【小题3】细节题:从最后一段的句子:he would admit that his intuition had really been a little dog named Fritz.可知这个礼物是狗选出的。选D【小题4】细节题:从故事情节可知宠物狗选择了正确的香水,是因为了解年轻人的女朋友的喜好,不是年轻人。选B
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