
急求芭比之钻石城堡 英文剧本

答案:2  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-07 20:34
  • 提问者网友:聂風
  • 2021-04-06 21:39
  • 五星知识达人网友:行雁书
  • 2021-04-06 22:03
00:35:04,034 --> 00:35:05,592
Watch out!
Ye of little faith.
Wherever did you come from?
Is that how you say thank you?
I'm sorry, thank you.
We were almost...
But you weren't.
Timing is everything.
Your handkerchief.
Thank you.
Jeremy. Liana.
My brother Ian.
My friend Alexa.
An honor, milady.
You're twins.
What? No!
Mum should have told us.
I feel cheated.
They think they're charming.
Rakish. Roguish.
Is he gone? Is anybody hurt?
I don't understand,
how'd you escape Lydia's flute?
I don't know.
I avoided the spell by disappearing, but you...
I just don't get it.
Mind us asking what we've gotten ourselves into?
There were two... No, no, 20 men. Uh... Soldiers.
Lashing swords everywhere.
I finished off scores of them.
But in the end,
the girls escaped.
Quiet, I'm thinking.
Oh, that's good. You go right ahead. Think away.
Has to be, yes.
They wear stones from the Diamond Castle.
And here we are, the Grand River.
Do you know this place, Melody?
This is good. Really good.
We just have to make it across to the Seven Stones.
I wonder...
Ian, do you remember those odd rocks we passed last spring?
Yes, I do.
Something almost magical about them.
Melody, what do the Seven Stones look like?
Well, there you go, same place.
I know exactly where it is.
Wait! The sign shows a bridge.
Probably washed out long ago.
But it would be so much faster.
No, not really. We're doing fine.
Shall we carry on, Ian?
Oh, straight ahead, old boy. Straight ahead.
Be right back.
We could just keep going.
We could.
But we won't.
Here, Sparkles! Here, girl.
Something's wrong.
Looking for these morsels?
Put them down.
Now why would I choose to do that?
Common courtesy.
I know you and you.
Double trouble.
You owe me!
Ancient history, mate.
Meat, you two.
He's got a point.
And a rather sharp one, at that.
Thank you for releasing the dogs,
you'll free the gentlemen, next.
Free them?
I'm gonna eat some.
Those boys? They'll give you indigestion.
Don't care.
Collecting on an old debt.
They owe you money?
No, lives.
They wanted to cross my bridge.
But there isn't any bridge.
Course there is, if you answer my riddle.
And they failed, just like everyone else.
Ask us your riddle.
If we answer correctly, you let them go.
If we don't, you have dinner for tomorrow night, too.
It's a deal.
Are you ready?
Of course.
What instrument can you hear,
but can't see
and can't touch?
It's a trick. There's no instrument like that.
Final answer?
Melody, what do you think?
I don't know.
You play every instrument I know
with either your hands or your mouth.
Right. Your hands or your mouth...
Your time is...
The answer is, your voice.
You can't see it or touch it, but when you sing,
everybody can hear it.
No! No, no, no.
Can't be done.
Can't be done. No! No! No!
Is it real?
Nobody knows my riddle. Impossible.
Pity, I was rather looking forward to dinner.
Wait for us.
We can't.
Meet us at the Seven Stones.
What's wrong with that picture?
I can't do it anymore, Liana.
We've been walking for hours.
Are you okay?
Do we have a little water?
We ran out.
About an hour after we ran out of food.
I know.
Alexa, I see something.
And it's not that far.
This mansion, it's beautiful.
I wonder if someone royal lives here.
Hopefully someone generous and royal.
Who can spare a bed and some food.
You've come at last.
Welcome. Welcome, miladies.
Sparkles, no!
What may we serve you?
Could you spare some bread and water?
Please, this is all yours.
The grounds, the house, everything.
The legend.
It's been foretold two friends,
best friends, will come to live in the hall.
For years, we've been tending the hall
until the rightful owners arrive.
You must be mistaken.
No. It's just as the legend foretold.
I can't believe it.
I don't believe it.
What do you think, Melody?
You know, the Muses sing songs about legends and destiny.
This really could be yours.
So, if it's ours...
Do you think we can eat something?
Yes. Go, eat.
Oh, of course you get your share.
You don't have to do tricks for your supper.
What's mine is yours.
They're beautiful.
Try one on.
I look like a princess.
Oh, Liana, it's a perfect home for us.
More food than we could ever eat,
a beautiful dress every day
and a gorgeous garden.
But we can't stay.
Why not? It's ours.
We're finally having some good luck,
why can't we enjoy it?
Maybe we can come back after we take Melody to the Diamond Castle.
If we come back.
What do you mean?
Trolls, serpents, evil magic.
We may not live to come back.
We promised Melody we'd help her.
And we did. We've taken her this far.
I can't go any farther.
I can't.
But, we promised.
You gave your word.
Let Ian and Jeremy do it.
I'm staying here.
You don't mean that.
Yes, I do.
Please, don't argue. You've done enough.
See, even Melody thinks so.
Stay with me.
If we don't stop Lydia, we'll all be living under a dark cloud.
No laughter, no music, just sadness everywhere.
Why us? Why can't somebody else do it?
Because Melody is our friend.
You're choosing Melody over me.
No, it's not like that.
If you were really my friend, you'd understand.
You're right,
I don't understand.
Come on, Sparkles.
Ready, Melody?
We are going to the Seven Stones.
No, Lily.
I can't believe she did that.
00:45:59,832 --> 00:46:01,629
  • 1楼网友:骨子里都是戏
  • 2021-04-06 23:15

barbie: (singing) so rare to find a friend like you teresa: (singing) somehow when you're around the sky is always blue the way we talk the things you say the way you make it all okay and how you know all of my jokes but you laugh anyway (both singing) if i could wish for one thing i'd take the smile that you bring wherever you go in this world i'll come along together we dream the same dream forever i'm here for you you're here for me two voices one song i really like that teresa. and for the bridge, let's try e-flat for two bars, then d-flat then back to a-flat. yeah, nice. let's try it. (both singing) (door closing) (grunts) i never wanna see her again. she's so not my friend anymore. hey, stacie. had a fight with courtney? you mean the backstabber? you're best friends. can't you two work it out? (sighs) what's the point of even having friends? they just turn on you. not real friends. real friends care even if you make a mistake. yeah, right. i think they let you down when it counts. you're not the only person to think that. i know a story about best friends who thought that, too. of course, they lived in a world with good and bad magic, flying serpents and a diamond castle. yeah... one day, they had a terrible fight. that's what put them in danger. what happened? well, it started with music. music? what do you mean? they loved to sing together. like teresa and i do. (both singing) if i could wish for one thing i'd take the smile that you bring wherever you go in this world i'll come along together we dream the same dream forever i'm here for you you're here for me two voices one song and anywhere you are you know i'll be around (horse neighing) and when you call my name i'll listen for the sound liana: if i could wish for one thing i'd take the smile that you bring alexa: wherever you go in this world i'll come along together we dream the same dream forever i'm here for you you're here for me

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